Environmental Change

Written By Lumajangtopic on Monday, October 12, 2015 | 1:23 AM

Global Environmental Change

Each turn of the season, especially of the season dry to the rainy season, we witnessed a variety of health problems struck our homeland, including the most frequent outbreaks of dengue fever (dengue fever). Part of this problem directly or indirectly related to the Global Environmental Change (GEC) or global environmental change. health any human population, if the review fundamentally, is associated with conditions social and environmental. 

Meanwhile, during the centuries of human society gain the advantages but also disadvantages of the changes that they done to the surrounding environment. It seems that attacks various outbreaks disease leads us to be more discerning observe and treat the surrounding environment. For researchers, This condition becomes a scientific challenge as well humanitarian challenges, as far as where research activities are able to answer public health problem, one the real problems facing the nation Indonesia at this time.As we follow along, lately many discussions about global change was appointed. Various social change, economic, cultural, technological and political requires a relationship between human societies around the world. This phenomenon is summarized in the terminology Globalisation. 

Amid the clamorous GEC is emerging discourse of globalization. GEC itself is defined as a change in large-scale bio-physical systems and ecological caused by human activities. These changes are closely related to the system planet's life support (life-support system). This occurs through the long historical process and is aggregation influences human life on the environment, which is reflected for example on population numbers continue to increased economic activity, and technological choices in the spur of economic growth. Currently the influence and burden on the environment in such a large, so it began to be felt disturbances of the Earth System we.GEC that occurred over a large pressure humans do to the natural system around, presenting a wide range of health and welfare risks all mankind. For example, we continue to enhance the concentration of these gases causing a certain increase natural greenhouse effect (greenhouse) which prevent the earth from natural cooling (freezing). 

During the 20th century, the average temperature Earth's surface increased by about 0.6 deggrees C and approximately two-thirds of this warming occurred since 1975. Another important GEC is the depletion of the ozone layer, loss of biological diversity (bio-diversity), degradation of land quality, fishing exceeded the limit (over-fishing), dissolution cycles of essential elements (eg nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus), reduced water supply, urbanization, and global deployment of various organic pollutants. Of glasses health, matters above indicated that the human health is affected by various factors that occur outside the boundaries carrying ability of the environmental chamber where they live.On a global scale, for a quarter century back, began to grow serious attention from the scientific community todiseases associated with environmental issues, such as cancer caused by certain toxins (toxin related cancers), disorders of reproduction or respiratory disorders and lung due to air pollution. institutional International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) establish a research collaboration with Earth System Science Partnership in meet the challenges of the problem health and GEC.

The influence of global climate change human health is not a job is easy. It takes hard work and inter-disciplinary approach including the evolution studies, bio-geography, ecology and science the social. On the other hand, technical progress remote sensing (remote sensing) and applications of geographic information systems will provide help in environmental monitoring multi-temporal and multi-spatial resolution.Two factors are particularly relevant to GEC-challenge study of environmental health which requires analysis of historical linkages GEC and health and impact analysis GEC at the local, regional to global. There are three levels of influence flow GEC to health. This influence from the top to below shows the increase complexity and its influence is the more indirect impact on health. At the top groove, visible example of how changes in conditions fundamental physical environment (eg temperature or extreme levels of ultraviolet radiation) may affect human biology and health directly (eg similar skin cancer). 

Grooves on two other levels, in middle and bottom, illustrates processes with more complexity height, including the relationship between the conditions environment, ecosystem functions, and socio-economic conditions.Groove down the middle and showed no easy to find a direct correlation between environmental changes and conditions of health. However, we could conclude red that the changes this environment, directly or indirectly directly responsible for the factors of the main support of health and human life, such as production food, clean water, climatic conditions, physical security, human welfare, and assurance of safety and social quality.And environmental health practitioners were will find many domains new problems here, adding appearance of a row of problems toksi-local ecology, local circulation causes infection, to the influence of environmental in large-scale work on disruption of ecological conditions and processes This life support. It is clear that The biggest risk to health from GEC experienced by those who are most vulnerable locations or the most vulnerable geographic level social and economic resources.
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